🎨 SendColorBot

SendColorBot is a telegram bot that helps to send colors through the Inline interface.

alt text alt text

🛠 Tools that project uses

.NET Core — Cross-platform general-purpose development platform.

.NET Extensions — An open-source, cross-platform set of APIs for commonly used programming patterns and utilities.

Telegram.Bot — .NET Client for Telegram Bot API.

ImageSharp — Cross-platform library for image file processing.

❗ Known issues

• Currently bot can't work correctly on Telegram Desktop because of some issues. issue fixed in last tdesktop version

▶️ Build

You need .NET Core SDK 2.2+. Download it here

Also, you need a file server with SSL support. It used to send generated images. I use nginx for this, but you can try any other. For easy installation, you can use autoinstall script by @angristan from here. In addition, you can use config generator by @0xB4LINT.

  1. Clone repository and open directory:

    git clone https://github.com/yet-another-devteam/SendColorBot.git && cd SendColorBot
  2. Build the project. You can also use portable mode, which doesn't require .NET runtime. Learn more

    dotnet publish -c Release
  3. Navigate to the directory that specified in the console:

    // Here is the path
    SendColorBot -> /home/dubzer/SendColorBot/SendColorBot/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2/publish/    
    cd ./SendColorBot/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2/publish
  4. Create configuration.json, paste this text and insert your values:

     "tokens": {
      "telegramapi": "Bot token. Get it at @BotFather",
      "fileserver-path": "Path to the file server public directory. This is where fileserver-domain should point",
      "fileserver-domain": "Public domain with pictures"
  5. Run:

    dotnet ./SendColorBot.dll

📝 License

The project is licensed under the MIT license.

This project on Github